04 September 2009

Oh noes!

So I probably shouldn't be surprised but it is amazing how you can fill up day after day with work and then completely forget that you were committing yourself to blogging about said work.

As usual, I failed to keep up with this thing in a timely manner.

I returned from Seattle two weeks ago tomorrow (*cry!*) and I have been very busy. I haven't done a stitch of work on my thesis, unfortunately. I have been swamped with researching grad schools, organizing my application process, prewriting for my statement of purpose, beginning the fall semester, agonizing over the letters of recommendation I soon have to ask for. . . . Coincidentally, I also have a ton of design work that I committed to. *sigh*

I will be in the process of scanning in the copies I made in Seattle to email to my comrade-in-research from UW, so hopefully I will find the inspiration to detail my findings here. On a side note, it is looking increasingly impossible for me to be accepted to UW. I have never been in the top 10% of anything in my life. But I will give it the Ol' College Try and hope for the best.

I can't stand the heat in New Mexico, either.