27 July 2009

Archival hunting

So tomorrow is my first big trip to the archives in Bellingham. My guide is a UW professor who has extensive experience studying this topic. Fortunately or unfortunately (I can't tell) we have to spend a lot of time finding documents that she already has copied and in her possession, since the person who dug most of them out did not cite their source. We are not even entirely sure in which archive they reside. A research assistant in Bellingham says he doesn't think that they have them up there, so I'm crossing my fingers that I'm not getting up at six in the morning for nothing.

Today I downloaded NoteBook and began the task of outlining my thesis so that I can see where the gaps in my research are. I also need to organize all of my .pdf files so that I know what I have and what I still need to read.

Other than that, little progress has been made. I'm hoping for some good advancement this week so that I can contact my advisor at UNM and impress him with some good news!

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